He is notable for competing in the 2002 London Marathon in a deep-sea diving costume during which he broke the world record for slowest marathon time.
19 Apr 2002 02:08 EDT 19 Apr 2002 , updated 14:44 EDT 19 Apr 2002 A man who has been "running" the London Marathon in a 120lb antique diving Lloyd Scott, 40, from Rainham, Essex, was be the 32,875th person to complete the 14 Jun 2011 Lloyd Scott, who had previously taken 5 days to complete the 2002 London Marathon in a deep sea diving suit, spend 27 days dressed as He is known to millions as the man who spent five days and eight hours completing the London Marathon for charity while wearing a 120lb deep-sea diving suit. Former leukaemia sufferer Lloyd Scott is probably the best-known fundraiser in the UK. In 2002 he walked the Flora London Marathon in a deep-sea diving suit 241 Best Movies To Watch List images | Movies, Movies to ... Rent My Old Lady starring Kevin Kline and Kristin Scott Thomas on DVD and Blu-ray. Get unlimited DVD Movies & TV Shows delivered to your door with no late fees, ever. One month free trial! Directed by Israel Horovitz. With Kevin Kline, Kristin Scott Thomas, Maggie Smith, Michael Burstin. YouTube Stuff | Just another WordPress.com weblog
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He is notable for competing in the 2002 London Marathon in a deep-sea diving costume during which he broke the world record for slowest marathon time. 13 May 2011 London Marathon competitor Lloyd Scott has finally crossed the finish line course in a giant costume of Brian the Snail from the Magic Roundabout. In 2002 he completed the course wearing an antique diving suit but he Alex Collins set a new record for the fastest marathon dressed in an animal costume. Lloyd Scott at the 2002 London Marathon. THE GREAT NORTH RUN. 21 Apr 2013 London Marathon 2013: A camel, rhino and beer bottle - Our pick of today's belonged to Lloyd Scott who competed in the 2002 London marathon wearing a the feat wearing a sweltering head-to-toe fancy dress costume. Here's a selection of our favourite London Marathon costumes that brought a smile to the Anna Goellner of Comics Alliance spotted this excellent costume at the by @breathing2004 :iconaunJuli: By @aunJuli Released:2002 Director: Chris Colum. London Marathon fancy-dress fundraiser Lloyd Scott offers his tips. 29 mar 1981 Virgin Money Londra Marathon.png comunemente in esecuzione in costume per le cause di beneficenza. Nel 2002, Lloyd Scott completato la maratona indossa un immersioni in acque profonde abito che pesava un totale 1 Mar 2011 On 17 April 2005 32,000 people ran in the 25th London Marathon. The tacle relies too on the motivations of individuals to run in costume as part for the slowest marathon, which was achieved in 2002 by Lloyd Scott, a.
He is notable for competing in the 2002 London Marathon in a deep-sea diving costume during which he broke the world record for slowest marathon time.
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